Olive Grove by Movement On The Ground Emergency Breakout session
Updated: Dec 9, 2022
Last Thursday 18th April 2018 Movement On The Ground released their newest project on the Moria refugee camp on Lesbos during a very special event for invites only at their The Movement Hotel in an even more special setting at the Bijlmer bajes.
The event started after welcome drinks with a tour in the Bijlmer bajes guided by a former prison guard showing the invites around the prison whilst show&tell with cells, main corridor and what life on the inside looked like. Next, there was time to have look around The Movement Hotel and its cells converted to hotel rooms.
After drinks and bites it got time to kick-off the event with the actual topic: Olive Grove by Movement On The Ground. Mr. Johnny de Mol (co-founder, Movement On The Ground) and mr. Charlie McGregor (Owner The Student Hotel) presented the Movement’s plans to convert the neighbouring olive tree yard to camp Moria into a second camp with housing units, digital learning lab, sports and games facilities – in which UEFA will take part as well – as well as doctor and pharmacy services. Camp Moria is becoming more and more crowded every day as new refugees are arriving by dangerous rubber boats multiple times per day. When taken off the boat, they are first held in prison and after take-on being moved to a crowded tent in the camp. Some move to small tents in the Olive Grove and to make the situation livable in the Grove Movement On The Ground needs your help to make true on their accomodation plans. Also you are able to help out by lending a hand on location, make your donation via their site and all other things they request in their wish list (see picture). Further, Managing Director Nina Schmitz asked the friends and network of MOTG to be more and more involved in the DNA of MOTG and to help with cash, brains and cooperations in the network.
Global-donation.org has started to implement a campaign allowing you to make donations and volenteer yourself by phone to support Movement On The Ground with the very needed and good work they do, the campaign will be released in the following weeks so please stay tuned for more info. We support Movement On The Ground by buying two beautiful pictures which will be published at our headquarters. This service is brought to Movement On The Ground to help them to reach there financial goals to get funding for there major goals as set above.
