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The Foundation of Athalos

George Dyson writes in his book Analogia       that in the fourth epoch of humanity humans will coexist with technologies they no longer control or fully understand.

Machines are taking the side of nature. And nature is taking the side of machines. Nature will allow us to build analog systems beyond progammable control.

Now we are living in the third epoch of digital codes, networked devices, self-replication and even self-reproduction.
The digital universe is currently expanding by some thirty trillion transistors per second, populated  by unbounded
strings of code.


      Analogia – The Entangled Destinies of Nature, Human Beings and Machines

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Athalos consortium gives human beings voices and identities in the digital universe.
Machines, networked devices and all artificial things will have identities.
Identities with Voices.

Members of our consortium are global digital solutions groups, operators, digital players, high tech companies, cloud powerhouses, mobility players and global brands


Our consortium enables to:

1. Work together and compete at the same time on different dimensions

2. Create new platforms and cross overs

3. Build a business and technology ecosystem for the future

4. Explore and realize Personal Online Data Storage (pods), Self-Driving Societies, Open Mesh Infrastructures (successor IoT) and Quantum Communications (e.g. Quantum Internet)


Athalos’ Engine of Flux is a platform-of-platforms and takes care for accessing, servicing and manufacturing of the digital identities

A consortium member and the consortium own
together a digital identity

Let’s create a Quantum Leap together


We are a movement of people doing good, supporting others to do good & aim to be catalysts for shaping the next Decade of Action

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1119 PB Schiphol-Rijk


We are always looking for talent

that can bring our business and our team a step further. 

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