Athalos becoming part of United Nations Global Compact
Updated: Dec 9, 2022

Athalos has joined the ranks of global businesses and becomes a signatory to the United Nation Global Compact announcing its commitment to deliver against ambitious strategies to help the world meet the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development following a direct call to action from the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, UN Global Compact former Executive Director Lise Kingo and incoming CEO Sanda Ojiambo in lead up to the Global Compact Leaders Summit. “Athalos is proud to join the United Nation Global Compact as a signatory company and is totally committed to implement and promote UNGC Principles in letter and spirit within our core business and its area of influence,” said Martijn van der Ven, CEO of Athalos “We now see ourselves as one of the many Ambassadors of the SDGS and our Company is fully committed to both implementing UN Sustainable Development Goals and keen to build that with the communities we serve in the course of Company’s Business operations and special initiatives. Our participation in the UN Global Compact underscores this commitment to our employees, partners and of course all of our stakeholders and through our network we hope to draw a little bit of urgency around the SDGs and also the opportunities.