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Market Research Europe
Global Donation Services (GDS) in itself is a service that is optimised for large, international event-driven fundraising.

  • Large as in a great number of donations

  • international as in multiple countries; multiple currencies;

  • event-driven as in emergency appeal

Off course it can also be used for non-event-driven fundraising. Actually, for the pilot-phase that is the best route to test the service and gain customer trust.

International Committee of Fundraising Organisations

ICFO is the international association of national charity monitoring organizations. The worldwide network of ICFO members ensures that fundraising for charitable purpose is being organized and performed in a satisfactory manner and that the administration of the collected funds is adequate.

ICFO was founded 1958 as the association of national charity monitoring organizations. The association is registered in the Netherlands.

ICFO consists of 18 organizations from 18 nations, which monitor more than 4,000 charities who manage 60 billion euros. 750 million citizens can access independent information provided by ICFO’s members to help them donate wisely to charities. For a list of member ICFO and their contact details, see Appendix B

Benefit ICFO for GDS:

As a monitoring organisation, the ICFO sets the standard for transparency and integrity. If GDS is ICFO- compliant that would be a major asset.

Charities which are monitored by a member of ICFO are bound to follow the guidelines given in accordance with the respective national law and culture. This may include principles for

  • public benefit goals

  • ethical guidelines for fundraising

  • corporate governance

  • accounting rules

  • transparency

  • accountability regarding their activities

All ICFO members carry out independent evaluation of charities in their countries. The monitoring process covers the key areas of charitable activity, such as the ICFO International Standards.

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